From alt blog:
Sep 22, 2007 3:01 am
Sep 22, 2007 3:01 am
Mood: giddy, 33 Views
i finally found somoneone that is almost as pervy as me on here (!!!!!When you look at your pervy score... or rather your "Purity Score", and you see how pure you are. Well mine sits pretty low, shhhhh. OK, i'm 21, and it should be lower as i have to go and add a couple things onto my list.Well as i was going through the list of peeps that have winked at me. And thinking wow, what a nice looking Dom. Yes He lives a lil far away, but His profile is articulate. Then i boo at His pervy score!!!! He is a 23!!! Yipeeeee.So i may not be the un-purest out there. There is hope for me yet, and i can polish my halo and rest easy. Yeeah!!!!Just had to let that one out of me.Phew.
i finally found somoneone that is almost as pervy as me on here (!!!!!When you look at your pervy score... or rather your "Purity Score", and you see how pure you are. Well mine sits pretty low, shhhhh. OK, i'm 21, and it should be lower as i have to go and add a couple things onto my list.Well as i was going through the list of peeps that have winked at me. And thinking wow, what a nice looking Dom. Yes He lives a lil far away, but His profile is articulate. Then i boo at His pervy score!!!! He is a 23!!! Yipeeeee.So i may not be the un-purest out there. There is hope for me yet, and i can polish my halo and rest easy. Yeeah!!!!Just had to let that one out of me.Phew.
Just keep working on that list, I have faith in you, go as low as you can go.....I'm pretty new at this, so mine is pretty high
mmmmm....not sure a score of 21 qualifies you as an angel....warm regards,jilly
within your heartkeep one still secret spotwhere dreams may go
within your heartkeep one still secret spotwhere dreams may go
What bothered me about the purity test was how uninclusive the categories. Can't they come up with something as offensive as, say, coprophilism, but more imaginative? Having sex in the Yalies' Skull & Bones coffin, then taking a side-by-side dump in it, then wiping our asses with White House stationary, is my idea of an afternoon of fun.
Were we half as curious as vain, communication would be easy.
Were we half as curious as vain, communication would be easy.
Quoting d.g.2007:
Just keep working on that list, I have faith in you, go as low as you can go.....I'm pretty new at this, so mine is pretty high
Just keep working on that list, I have faith in you, go as low as you can go.....I'm pretty new at this, so mine is pretty high
>i am working on the list.... but there isn't too much left for me to try, not unless i cross the other side. lol.And you will get going on your list i am sure, it just takes a lil time. i have faith in you as well.hugs
Quoting j.sdw:
mmmmm....not sure a score of 21 qualifies you as an angel....warm regards,
mmmmm....not sure a score of 21 qualifies you as an angel....warm regards,
>lol. i am sure if i keep buffing my halo, and look the part... i can fook almost anyone. OK, anyone who might not know me.thanks for the warm regards. They are welcomed and returned.lil d
Every story has an end. But in life; Every ending, is a new beginning.
9/22/2007 8:58 pm
Quoting M.P.:
What bothered me about the purity test was how uninclusive the categories. Can't they come up with something as offensive as, say, coprophilism, but more imaginative? Having sex in the Yalies' Skull & Bones coffin, then taking a side-by-side dump in it, then wiping our asses with White House stationary, is my idea of an afternoon of fun.
What bothered me about the purity test was how uninclusive the categories. Can't they come up with something as offensive as, say, coprophilism, but more imaginative? Having sex in the Yalies' Skull & Bones coffin, then taking a side-by-side dump in it, then wiping our asses with White House stationary, is my idea of an afternoon of fun.
>i agree. There should be more written in there, and more catagories. But i am guessing, as the saying goes, we can't always get what we want. Though i don't think i would use stationary, a lil too stiff and hard for my lil pampered tush.but i am sure, if enough people write alt, we might be able to change a few things in the purity test. It is just a thought though.
Every story has an end. But in life; Every ending, is a new beginning.
Every story has an end. But in life; Every ending, is a new beginning.
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