Sunday, August 17, 2008

That Great Ride

From alt today.....

i didn't get any bugs in my teeth. But did i ever have a most wonderful ride, and didn't get wet either. It seemed like the weather knew exactly what was up; Wwe left right when it stopped raining, and it started up again just when i was dropped back off at home. Puuuurrrrrrrrrfect. It took me to a nice lil zone place for a lil while, though not long enough, and put a lil smile back on my face for a day. And no, i did not break out the Ben Wa's for those who were wondering. Not the person i would do that with, just a friend and only that. i would have to explain what i would have to do if one fell out for something, omg, what horror that would be going for lunch early:-/. Too bad my friend had to go home the next day; but from what i hear, when He went to SinCity, He had a great time pervin the S&M's. lol. Now that the rain has fallen nice and early at 7- about 8:30 am this morn. And it is starting again this eve, as i have heard a lil thunder already. i am looking forward to some cooler weather, and then hopefully getting out in the garden and enjoying the outdoors again. Go for a lil bike ride. Wish SRV was still here, needed him on my hike the other day.... he would have enjoyed that. *sigh* Though with how i am feeling these days, i am missing a few things. Not myself, or just not right around me. Can't quite figure it out. Maybe it's the static in the air. Hope Eeveryone had a most perfectly pervy weekend. And has a wonderful week. BB

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